Time to Update a Will? | Felinton Law Estate Planning Asset Protection

Time to Update A Will? Depression And Mental Health Awareness Month Serves As a Reminder…

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Remembering to – or Finding A Time to Update A Will – Can Be Hard. Certain Times, However, Remind Us More Than Others.

How does Mental Health Awareness Month serve as a reminder that it might be time to update a will?

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the United States.

In fact, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates that in 2016 more than 16 million adults dealt with a depressive episode.

This is the time of year to turn our attention to upcoming holidays and, importantly to focus on those loved ones with special needs. October is devoted to the awareness of mental health. It is also Depression Awareness Month, which includes Mental Illness Week and National Depression Screening Day.

Winter months, and the holidays in particular, very often trigger depression.

While most people are singing joyful tunes and feeling the lighthearted spirit of the season, there are millions of people battling the symptoms of depression and dealing with self-destructive depressive episodes.

If you have a loved one suffering from mental health issues, you may also need special instructions for his or her ongoing care in your will and estate and asset protection plan. The greatest gift you can give to someone with mental health issues is to make sure they will be cared for in the event that you are not around to help them. Knowing they will be cared for offers a great sense of relief to someone who is unable to work and/or interact with others in socially acceptable ways.

Battling depression and other mental health issues is difficult.

However, it may be a little easier for those who suffer knowing they’re not alone and that efforts are being made to understand mental health issues and find ways to help.

If you need to update a will – or update an estate and asset protection plan to include instructions for a loved one with mental health issues or special needs of any kind, give us a call.