Talk About A Spring Break | Felinton Elder Law Estate Planning Asset Protection
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Talk About A Spring Break

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Spring Break For All

Well, who on earth could have told us that the whole world would be going on Spring break this year? College kids aren’t the only ones, though it looks like they’ll be getting a break that may last all the way until the fall season. Just about every person of every age – with the exception of the extraordinary medical professionals working around the clock, grocery store employees and other service providers who cannot work from home – is being forced to take a break!

Without question we are experiencing unprecedented times. It seems like Mother Earth decided to take a recess! What else could make the whole world stop? Certainly not anything less than a deadly virus. Everyone is forced to stop and take notice. No human intervention can stop it. The only thing that seems to work is to stay away from others, so it has no one to spread to.


So, please, keep yourself and your loved ones safe. That means following the directives of national and local authorities. In most places throughout the country that means staying home except for going out for food and/or medical supplies and/or going to the doctor and taking care of legal business that requires immediate attention.

Protocols are changing very quickly, so it is best to stay close to home. If you are separated from loved ones, it’s a great idea to use technology to stay in touch. Video apps are wonderful ways of being with loved ones without being in their immediate presence. I know we are using technology to help our clients create and make changes to their wills and trusts.

The weather is getting nice, so at least you can get out and enjoy the fresh air while keeping a safe distance from the neighbors. This historic time is unlike anything we’ve seen before. If we all stay optimistic and calm, we will get through this together. Please stay safe and take care of the things you can.