The Many Rewards Of Helping Others | Felinton Elder Law Estate Planning Asset Protection
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The Many Rewards Of Helping Others

tingey injury law firm yCdPU73kGSc unsplash e1591218012860 - The Many Rewards Of Helping OthersThe work I do as an elder care attorney is endlessly rewarding. I meet people all the time who come to my offices overwhelmed and confused – no, let me tell it like it is – they usually come to me feeling devastated. Many are dealing with severe illness of a spouse, the possible loss of their homes and no way of knowing how to manage the long-term health care needs of their loved ones.


A Real Life Story

Such was the case when Betty Strubel came to my office. As very often happens, she was referred to me by the doctor treating her husband who was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s.


Betty was afraid she might have to lose her home and other assets in order to pay for her husband’s long-term care She had no idea how to access Medicaid nor did she know how to protect her existing assets. Betty is like so many who come to me and, being able to help them untangle the fear and help them see that they will be able to keep their homes and pay for the care of their loved ones is so satisfying.


Experience Leads To Knowledge

My 30 years of experience helping people in similar situations means that I have the knowledges to help clients avoid the financial ruin associated with the high cost of long-term care. And, while in the past, Medicaid eligibility as regards long-term care was not difficult, there has been a steady drift towards more complex and restrictive rules. It is no longer as easy as reviewing one’s bank statements. There are a myriad of regulations involving look-back periods, resource limits, transfer penalties and waiting periods requiring extensive planning. I understand the process and the issues surrounding Medicaid eligibility and help my clients by implementing the planning and application process.


Betty was so appreciative that I was able to unburden her and take these tasks off her plate. The sense of relief she felt was gratifying especially as she began to see light at the end of a previously very confusing tunnel.


The High Cost Of Long-Term Care

If you don’t start planning for retirement and include a plan for long-term healthcare fairly early in your work/career life, it is especially frightening when you are faced with the challenge late in life. Each year the cost of long-term care seems to grow which makes planning a critically important issue for seniors and their families. Most seniors will likely require some form of long-term care, yet so many are unprepared for the significant financial burdens. Anyone facing a monthly rate of $14,000 or more for the long-term care of a loved one can be devastating.


A Happy Client And A Newfound Friend

As is often the case when I help someone like Betty, she refers her friends to me. And in this case, Betty came out just fine. She did not lose her home. She was able to provide the care her husband required, and she kept her assets intact. It was truly a win-win for her.


Betty and I have become friends and she tells everyone she knows about how I was able to help her. This is the greatest reward. I get to see people relieved of suffering and fear. I get to help them continue moving forward in their lives. And I get some wonderful friends. This makes what I do so rewarding.