Estate Planning Tips: It's Time for a Review | Elder Law Estate Planning
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Estate Planning Tips: ‘Tis The Season To Schedule A Review Of Your Trust And Estate Documents

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Estate Planning Tips Might Be the Last Thing You Want to Think About…

I know it’s the busiest time of year and listening to estate planning tips is probably not high on your to-do list. And, believe me, I’m not going to suggest adding one more thing on your to-do list before the end of the year.

Well, with one tiny exception. Here’s one of the most important estate planning tips you should take the time to listen to…

I highly suggest you call your estate and asset protection attorney and schedule a review of your legal documents after the New Year.

Just get it on the calendar is all.

You never know if your financial institution has new procedures that will make your assets inaccessible should anything happen. There may be changes that need to be made. Also, if there have been any births, deaths, divorces or accidents or illnesses in the family that need to be revisited in your estate plan, it’s a great time to make sure that gets done. Also has anyone who is a designated trustee to your estate moved away, become unacceptable or incapacitated in any way that needs to be addressed? Scheduling an annual review of your estate and asset protection plan at the beginning of each year or at least every couple of years is something I suggest to my clients.

Gain Confidence

You always want to be confident that should anything happen to you, your documents are up-to-date and are correctly filed. I find that the down time after all the holidays is perfect for this type of review. It’s a great way to kick off the New Year too, confident that your house is in order and if any changes are required they can be taken care of while you are healthy and of sound mind.